Maybe It’s Time to Let the Old Ways Die


By EDGE Women Speaker, Funny Motivational Speaker, Entertainer, Keynote Speaker, and High-Performance Expert, Lynn O’Dowd

“Maybe It’s Time to Let the Old Ways Die” is a song from the movie “A Star is Born” with Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper. The words in this song that really hit a chord with me (no pun intended), are “it takes a lot to change your plans and a train to change your mind”. So true, so true! I can easily change my clothes. I can easily change my hair color. But change my old ways? I don’t think so – not so easy! That’s human nature, isn’t it. We don’t want to change the things we’re comfortable with unless we absolutely have to, such as during a worldwide pandemic!

But, did you know that letting go of the old makes room for the new? That’s right, letting go of the old, makes room for the new. So, what do you need to let go of that’s holding you back from achieving the results you want in 2021? What things are you still holding onto? What thoughts? What habits? Even relationships – what relationships are you holding onto that just aren’t working for you anymore? I told my husband not to get any funny ideas about me!

Many of us desire greater success and more happiness in our lives, especially after 2020 turned the meetings industry upside down. But if you desire to achieve something different than where you are right now, to go from being “super stuck” to a Superstar, then thinking is not enough. You must step out of your comfort zone and take action.

Change Requires Action – Time to Act!

It’s easy just to exist and go through the motions. But many of us know that we are capable of more, that we can play on a bigger stage. I have both witnessed in others and experienced myself, that a moment of transformation, a turning point, always precedes change. Something internal tells you that NOW is the moment to act on what you truly desire. 

Perhaps you know what to do next, but your excuses prevent you from acting. Or maybe you feel that you need change, but don’t know what changes to make? Though it can be difficult, the only way to change this scenario is to act. That is the reason I joined other female speakers and co-founded #EDGEwomenspeakers. We recognized that women were too often not making it onto the main stage because planners couldn’t easily find female experts. EDGE was created to offer meeting professionals an easier way to find expert, female perspectives to audiences worldwide.

Be Flexible and Try

Once you’ve made the decision, put yourself on a path. That path may not be exactly right, but when you are committed to self-improvement, the next step will reveal itself. I liken it to learning a new song on my guitar. I don’t learn the entire song in one sitting; I learn it in stages. And even when I’ve learned it, there comes more practice, vocal tweaking, musical adjustments to make it my personal song, so that I can sing and play it the best way for me.

And if I get started and realize the song is just not for me, that’s okay! Flexibility is another key to change and staying in action.

It’s often said that our biggest regrets in life are about what we didn’t try or do rather than what we did do that didn’t work out. It’s a decision to live a life that is more than just going through the motions – it’s a decision to step out of your comfort zone and Unleash Your Inner Superstar! 

If you are tired of living on the edge of everything that you want – then maybe it’s time to let the old ways die. Step out of your comfort zone, let go of the same ole, same ole, unlock new doors, think differently. For 2021 I invite you to GoGaGa, get a little outrageous and Unleash Your Inner Superstar! Remember, as I say in my keynote sometimes your stuck point comes right before your turning point. And that turning point can give you the time of your life!

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