Do Your Fall Season Outcomes Propel You?


By EDGE Women Speaker Debbie Vyskocil

A new season is settling in, what new habits, projects or learning would you like to have set in motion when it is complete?

This new continuum of time we seem to be in cries out for definition. I could call it fourth-quarter goals, but that sounds so 2019. I prefer Fall Season Outcomes. It makes me want to discover how to make the best hot chocolate from scratch, learn to read Italian or savor Erik Larson’s Churchill book. What could your ideal fall season outcomes be?

Perhaps you would like to build a habit that would be incredibly helpful to your health, performance and emotional connection to others. Polls taken as we move through the pandemic show our sleep is getting rockier instead of more restorative. How are you sleeping?

I know personally more friends, clients and audiences are asking for skills they can implement to get more restorative sleep. And that is the goal, RESTORATIVE SLEEP to stay physically healthy, mentally balanced and cognitively sharp. In essence to be happier.

Honestly, who doesn’t love to sleep? Pick up the softest sheets, fluffiest baffled comforter and high-quality pillows you can sink into. Create a luxurious experience to end your day, a gift to yourself when you wake up.

My research has uncovered the primary reason behind not falling asleep is the chatter. Our mind runs wild with thoughts just as we try to quiet it. It is like a child who finally has our full attention.

Once you have the setting perfected

  1. ·       Set a sleep schedule and stay with it

  2. ·       Wind down for sleep 30 minutes before crawling under the covers

  3. ·       Develop skills to quiet that chatter

  4. ·       Place the electronics out of reach

Getting restorative, out of this world sleep will be a new habit you will thank yourself for in 2021 as we step back into crazy schedules. Perhaps you are already moving toward live events, hybrid events or just “virtual exhaustion”. As we navigate so many unknowns, we need our brains to be healthy and our emotions to be under control to succeed through each new challenge.

In this time of uncertainty, there are so many aspects of our lives that we have little control over. Creating a great sleep habit is completely in your control. Facing 2021 and whatever it holds will be so much more manageable with your mental and emotional abilities at their peak level.

Perhaps with the new energy, you will add perfecting roasting your marshmallows, painting with watercolors or hiking the most glorious fall trails near your home. Tell me, what will your ideal fall season outcomes be?