Calm the Crazy


By EDGE Women Speaker Nancy Depcik

Our world has certainly changed recently. I have never seen anything like this. It’s scary and overwhelming and confusing. Suddenly, and I do mean suddenly, our kids are home from school, our offices have closed their doors and we have watched entire cities shut down. And for many, you don’t even know when you will get your next paycheck. 

As an event planner, your events are rescheduled, going virtual, or canceled entirely. How do you deal with it all? How do you survive all the stress? 

My goal, in my speeches and in my life, is to help people gain a positive attitude — to see the silver lining. Right now, in today’s world, that is really hard to do, especially when we are surrounded by such depressing news 24 hours a day. So, I’d like to share a few tips on how to get through the day with some sort of sanity and to experience some stress-free moments, both in business and at home.

First, pick one time throughout the day to watch/listen to the news, then turn it off! 

The constant reporting of disease and death is enough to drive anyone crazy. Yes, we want to stay on top of what’s happening around the world, and in our own back yard, but once a day is enough. This will be difficult, so force yourself to shut off that TV, unplug that computer and put down your phone. Make a conscious decision to find an inspirational book to read or music to listen to. 

Second, speaking of music, I encourage you to find your favorite tunes, whatever they may be and make a playlist that you can listen to whenever you are feeling down

One of my favorite songs is: I Ain’t Settlin by Sugarland. Every day, I sing these words at the top of my lungs: “I ain’t settlin for anything less than everything.” Yes, I will take back my life and return to some sort of normalcy… soon. 

Third, visualize a healthy you. Take all five of your senses and see yourself as a healthy person:  Hear your strong voice; Smell the flowers; See the stars at night; Taste the food from your favorite restaurant (or in my case – anything chocolate); Feel vibrant and healthy

It’s up to you to take control of your life during these crazy times. My advice is to take small steps and they will lead you to a healthier, stress-free you. As you begin to take better care of yourself, extend a helping hand to others. Share what you have learned to gain the courage you need to face each day and thrive.

Robin S. Sharma says it best: “What you focus on grows.”